The other day I was overhearing a conversation among tourists about a place called Sunset Cliffs. Going to the Pacific was on my list anyway and this location seemed perfect so I went for a hike.

The bus was only taking me this far and I had to walk for a while through residential area. The sun was burning and I was completely unprepared – no sun-lotion, no water, no shades. It didn’t bug me first as I figured to buy all these items along the way. Well, no. I experienced a super-rigid urban zoning scheme in San Diego. Commercial means just commercial, no housing. Likewise residential means no shops, not even a small corner store. Eventually I found a gas station to care for my basic needs but until then the experience of seeing the Pacific for the first time was making me forget my burns and dry throat.

Moments after encountering the Ocean.

Nice houses and lot’s of sun everywhere…

… and I haven’t seen a single solar panel.

The ocean washes away the shore…

… and leaves it with a distinct texture.

This was before I found water, sun-lotion and shades. I didn’t care at that moment though.

cc-by Jonas Schöley