Stochasticity versus Determination
Last week I had an argument about the statistical interpretation of chance and pre-determination. Are they an attribute of the processes/phenomena we model or are they a product of the way we model a process? I believe the latter.
San Diego. First Impressions
I arrived in San Diego after 24h of continuous travel. Customs was a bit of a joke. The airport had an apparent problem in handling the amount of arriving passengers. I estimate more than 500 people waiting to register their luggage and only a few officers trying to handle the situation. Customs reduced to someone picking up the pre-filled forms as fast as possible… Not that I had much value on me.
Ankunft in Warschau
Zwischenraum Jam
Ein Jazz Jam in seiner vollen 13 minütigen Pracht. Entstanden zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr bei mir im Zwischenraum. Simon am Piano und ich an der Gitarre.
Anatomie einer Sammelkarte
Sammelkarten sind fester Bestandteil der Fußballfolklore. Mit Rahmen und Logo in Szene gesetzt, werden die abgebildeten Personen in einen Sport-Kosmos integriert, der über das eigentliche Spiel hinaus geht.